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Maverick Case Study: Manly Bands’ 100X ROI with AI-Personalized Founder Videos


John Ruggiero and his wife Michelle, founders of Manly Bands, were personally acquainted with the struggles of finding a suitable wedding ring for men. During their own wedding planning, they encountered a fiasco while searching for John's wedding band. The couple realized that the options available to men were limited, both in terms of style and affordability. This personal experience, combined with their backgrounds in marketing and business development, sparked the idea for Manly Bands​​. They set out to transform the men's wedding ring industry, starting Manly Bands with the goal of providing men with a variety of unique and affordable options. Initially, the company launched with 60 designs.

Manly Bands also tackled one of the biggest challenges in the ring industry: sizing. To address this, they developed a ring sizer box and encouraged customers to order it ahead of time. This solution proved particularly important for their made-to-order rings, which made up a significant portion of their offerings​​. These innovative strategies and a keen focus on customer experience have enabled Manly Bands to grow from a start-up to an 8-figure business in just three years. Today, Manly Bands is a leader in the men's wedding ring industry, continually disrupting a traditionally conservative market with its novel and affordable designs.





Generated per message sent


Post purchase email open rate


Post purchase email click through rate

“The response we've gotten from our customers after sharing our personalized videos through Maverick has truly blown us away. They're genuinely impressed by the distinct and considerate touch – we've been flooded with messages expressing their gratitude for the engaging and individualized content. Needless to say, we're overjoyed with the reaction and eagerly anticipate making further use of the personalized video magic with Maverick."

John Ruggiero - Founder, Manly Bands


From the start, Manly Bands prioritized customer feedback and relationship building. They used online surveys and emails to maintain a relationship with their customers, gather feedback, and iterate on their product designs. This customer-centric approach allowed them to continuously refine their offerings and meet market demand. As the company grew, the challenge of maintaining this personal touch at scale became apparent. The founders understood that in order to continue delivering a top-tier customer experience, they needed to innovate their communication methods. The goal was to find a solution that would enable them to personally reach out to every customer without sacrificing efficiency or scalability. Moreover, they wanted to leverage the power of video, a medium known for its ability to forge deeper connections and provide richer information than text-based communication.


The solution came in the form of Maverick's AI-generated personalized videos. The AI tool allowed Manly Bands to create unique video messages for each customer, adding a personal touch to their communication strategy. With this solution, Manly Bands was able to personally reach out to every customer through video, maintaining the high level of customer experience they were known for. The personalized videos not only addressed customers more effectively at key moments in their lifecycle but also fostered a stronger connection between the brand and its customers. This innovative approach to customer communication enabled Manly Bands to sustain their growth while staying true to their commitment to exceptional customer service.

Customer Feedback

"Thank you John for your generous video . I will definitely inform my friends and family who are in the process of getting married , about your company . Have a great day!"

"Thank you for taking time and recognizing me. I will definitely tell everyone where I got the ring and how great you all are. Thank you once again"

"Hey John! This is awesome!! Thank you for the video. As a marketing guy this made my heart so happy. Very excited to get my ring!"

"Hi John thank you for the lovely video. Do you have a link available to leave a review? my fiancé would love to leave a review once he has received the order. Thanks again"

"Thank you so much! We are so excited to try it out! Thanks for making the experience feel more personal and enjoyable!!"

"This is exactly how every company should treat their customers. It's personable and makes you feel valued. So thank you. I'm excited for the ring and to see how it looks."

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