9 CPG Brands Making $40M in Annual Sales with 10 Employees or Less

Small teams, particularly those in startups or smaller enterprises, often face the formidable challenge of scaling their operations without exponentially increasing their workforce. The challenge is to create a business model that is both sustainable and scalable, offering a unique value proposition that can capture market share. Here are 9 CPg

The Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) industry is an ever-evolving landscape that demands agility and innovation. According to Deloitte, seven in 10 executives in the CPG industry say their job is more stressful today than it was five years ago due to the combination of record inflation, supply chain issues, labor shortages, global conflicts, climate change, and a potential recession. As consumer preferences shift and new market trends emerge, CPG companies must be flexible enough to adapt.

With the accelerated growth of online shopping and digital engagement, ecommerce has become an indispensable channel for reaching a global customer base. However, success in this dynamic environment often requires more than just a great product; it also calls for effective marketing strategies and robust operations, often with a lean team.

Small teams, particularly those in startups or smaller enterprises, often face the formidable challenge of scaling their operations without exponentially increasing their workforce. To succeed, these businesses need to strategize for operational efficiency, customer relationship management, and product quality, all while ensuring that payroll calculation remains manageable. The challenge is to create a business model that is both sustainable and scalable, offering a unique value proposition that can capture market share.

The Role of Ecommerce in Scaling CPG Brands

Ecommerce has revolutionized the way Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) brands reach and interact with consumers. Gone are the days when companies had to rely solely on traditional retail channels to get their products into customers' hands. With ecommerce, brands have the unprecedented ability to directly connect with a global audience, offering products at the click of a button.

The digital marketplace provides an unparalleled advantage in scaling businesses by breaking down geographical and logistical barriers that once limited growth potential. Not only does this direct-to-consumer model offer a more extensive reach, but it also provides opportunities for greater profit margins by cutting out intermediaries.

In addition to enabling broader market access, ecommerce platforms offer a wealth of features and tools designed to facilitate every aspect of business operations—from inventory management and payment processing to customer engagement and data analytics. These tools offer invaluable insights into consumer behavior and preferences, allowing for more targeted and effective marketing strategies.

Brands can track metrics like site visits, conversion rates, and customer lifetime value in real-time, which, in turn, helps in making data-driven decisions. Moreover, ecommerce platforms often come with in-built SEO capabilities, email marketing integrations, and social media plug-ins, further amplifying a brand's online presence.

What makes ecommerce particularly relevant for small CPG brands is its ability to level the playing field. While it may be challenging for a small operation to secure shelf space in retail stores or afford large-scale advertising campaigns, ecommerce platforms allow these brands to compete with larger companies effectively.

Tailored marketing campaigns, personalized customer experiences, and direct consumer feedback are just a few of the ecommerce capabilities that can accelerate a small brand's growth. Emerging technologies like Maverick's AI-generated video, which can drastically enhance customer engagement and boost ecommerce sales, are making it even more feasible for small teams to achieve remarkable scalability.

Top 9 CPG Brands Succeeding with 10 Employees or Less

1. Alaskan Salmon Company

The Alaskan Salmon Company is a seafood brand that prides itself on providing fresh, sustainably caught salmon to consumers. With a team of fewer than ten employees, they manage to fulfill a high volume of orders by leveraging their strong online presence and direct-to-consumer model. Utilizing efficient supply chain management and partnerships with local fishermen, they are committed to delivering the freshest catch to your doorstep. Their transparent sourcing practices have also earned them a loyal customer base that values sustainability.

2. Tequila Teremana

Tequila Teremana specializes in high-quality, hand-crafted tequila. Despite having a small team, they've created a huge buzz through celebrity endorsements and digital marketing campaigns, enabling them to scale their operations significantly. Their unique blends have caught the attention of tequila aficionados around the globe, and their compelling storytelling online has added to their mystique.


USUAL offers a unique approach to wines, delivering high-quality beverages in single-serve bottles. By targeting a young, tech-savvy audience, the brand has been able to grow its online presence rapidly, while maintaining a lean workforce. Their innovative packaging resonates with millennials and Gen Z, making it a go-to choice for social events. They've also leveraged subscription models to maintain consistent customer engagement.

4. People's Choice Beef Jerky

This family-owned brand has been around for decades but has recently seen explosive growth, thanks to their ecommerce efforts. People's Choice Beef Jerky focuses on offering a wide range of flavors and cuts, appealing to both traditional and adventurous palettes. Their online platform features a customized subscription box option, giving customers a personalized snacking experience. Their story of tradition and quality also adds to their brand's authenticity.

5. Lifeboost Coffee

Lifeboost Coffee distinguishes itself by offering sustainably sourced, low-acid coffee. By identifying a niche market of health-conscious coffee drinkers and reaching them through targeted online marketing, they have managed to scale with a small but effective team. Their fair-trade certifications and environmentally-friendly practices have added an extra layer of attraction for their customer base. The brand has also utilized partnerships with health and wellness influencers to boost their market presence.

6. Clean Eatz Cafe

Clean Eatz Cafe is a health food brand that offers meal plans, supplements, and cafe locations. They have effectively used ecommerce platforms to offer subscriptions and one-time purchase options, simplifying the lives of health-conscious consumers. Their meal planning app integrates seamlessly with their ecommerce platform, offering customers a comprehensive health and nutrition solution. The brand is not just a food supplier but positions itself as a lifestyle choice for its consumers.

7. idrinkcoffee.com

This online retailer focuses solely on coffee and coffee-making equipment. Through smart digital marketing and a commitment to quality products, idrinkcoffee.com has built a loyal customer base that drives its significant sales. Their expertly curated product line includes some of the most reputable brands in the coffee industry, making it a one-stop-shop for coffee enthusiasts. They also offer extensive educational resources to help customers brew the perfect cup every time.

8. Huge Supplements

Huge Supplements offers a range of fitness supplements designed for serious athletes. With targeted social media campaigns and influencer partnerships, they've built a robust online store that supports their significant revenue. They also invest heavily in research and development to ensure that their products meet high-quality standards, thus gaining the trust of the athletic community. User-generated testimonials and before-after pictures on their website add a layer of authenticity to the brand.

9. Wildgrain

Wildgrain delivers frozen, pre-sliced sourdough bread, pasta, and pastries directly to your door. Their subscription model and commitment to high-quality, healthy ingredients have helped them build a strong online community and customer base. The brand focuses on using organic and locally-sourced ingredients to create artisanal products, establishing themselves as a premium choice in the market. Their customer-friendly website and interactive blog also offer recipes and tips, making them a comprehensive food destination online.

How CPG Brands Can Leverage AI in Ecommerce

1. Personalized Customer Experience

One of the most prominent uses of AI in ecommerce is creating personalized shopping experiences for customers. AI algorithms can analyze past interactions and preferences to suggest products likely to interest consumers. For example, if a customer frequently purchases organic snacks from Clean Eatz Cafe, the AI could recommend their new line of organic smoothies, thus encouraging add-on sales and greater customer satisfaction.

2. Inventory Management

AI can predict future item demand based on factors like past sales data and seasonal trends. This can help CPG brands manage their inventory more efficiently, reducing storage costs and preventing out-of-stock scenarios. Imagine Huge Supplements finding out from their AI system that a particular protein powder is usually in high demand during January due to New Year's resolutions. They can then stock up in advance to meet the surge in demand.

3. Dynamic Pricing

AI algorithms can dynamically adjust pricing based on various factors like demand, competitor pricing, and stock levels. This means you can maximize profits by raising prices during high demand and lowering them when necessary to move inventory. For instance, Tequila Teremana could use AI to automatically increase the price of a limited-edition bottle when the stock dwindles or when a celebrity endorsement boosts demand.

4. Chatbots for Customer Service

AI-powered chatbots can handle routine customer service inquiries 24/7, freeing up human resources for more complex tasks. They can answer frequently asked questions, guide customers through the purchasing process, and even handle basic troubleshooting. For example, idrinkcoffee.com could employ a chatbot to answer customer queries about the difference between various coffee machines, freeing up human customer service representatives for more complex troubleshooting tasks.

5. Enhanced Search Capabilities

AI can make the product search process more intuitive. Through natural language processing, it can understand what the customer is looking for in a more human-like way, even if they input queries that are not keyword-perfect. If a customer on Alaskan Salmon Company's website types in "best fish for grilling," the AI could interpret this and show relevant options like "wild-caught king salmon."

6. Abandoned Cart Recovery

AI can analyze the behavior of customers who abandon their shopping carts and trigger personalized follow-up emails or ads. Maverick’s AI-generated videos could send a personalized video message saying, "We noticed you left some items in your cart. Would you like to complete your purchase?" thereby increasing the likelihood of a sale.

7. Predictive Analytics for Marketing Campaigns

AI can analyze tons of data to predict future consumer behavior. These insights can be used to craft more effective marketing campaigns. For instance, if the AI identifies a rising interest in eco-friendly packaging among USUAL's young, tech-savvy audience, the brand could launch a special “Go Green” campaign to appeal to this sentiment.

8. Fraud Prevention

With sophisticated algorithms, AI can detect fraudulent activity much quicker than manual monitoring. This helps CPG brands protect themselves and their customers from fraudulent transactions. Let's say Lifeboost Coffee encounters multiple orders from a single IP address within a very short time. The AI system could flag this as suspicious, helping the company take preventive measures before a fraudulent transaction occurs.

9. Sentiment Analysis for Brand Reputation

AI tools can scan social media, blogs, and online reviews to gauge public sentiment about your brand. This can help you understand consumer needs and opinions, making it easier to make adjustments to your product offerings or customer service policies. Imagine People's Choice Beef Jerky finds that customers love their spicy options but wish they were even hotter. The company could then consider introducing an "Extra Spicy" line based on this feedback.

10. Supply Chain Optimization

From raw materials to customer delivery, AI can analyze and streamline every aspect of the supply chain. This can result in faster delivery times, lower operational costs, and ultimately, happier customers. For example, Wildgrain could use AI to determine the most efficient delivery routes, minimizing fuel consumption and ensuring that their frozen sourdough bread arrives in optimal condition.


These nine CPG brands demonstrate that it's entirely possible to achieve incredible sales milestones with a lean team. By smartly leveraging ecommerce platforms and digital marketing tools, companies can scale quickly and efficiently. As technologies like Maverick's personalized videos continue to advance, the potential for boosting customer engagement and sales becomes even more promising.

Maverick uses AI-generated video to help ecommerce stores have personalized interactions with each of their customers across their journey. Start boosting your customers’ lifetime value (LTV) today with personal videos at scale!

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