Step-by-Step Guide to Embedding Klaviyo Forms on Your Shopify Store

Enter Klaviyo forms – your powerhouse tool for transforming casual browsers into engaged subscribers and loyal fans. These forms aren’t just digital gatekeepers; they're your first step in a dance of building lasting relationships with your customers. But how do you bridge the world of Klaviyo forms with your Shopify empire?

Welcome to the high-octane world of ecommerce, where email marketing isn’t just a strategy, it’s the lifeblood of customer connection! Think of your email list as the VIP club of your ecommerce journey – where the magic of sales and customer loyalty unfolds. And what’s the golden ticket to this exclusive club? Sign-up forms!

Enter Klaviyo forms – your powerhouse tool for transforming casual browsers into engaged subscribers and loyal fans. These forms aren’t just digital gatekeepers; they're your first step in a dance of building lasting relationships with your customers. They’re the spark that ignites the connection, the invitation to join your brand’s unique story.

But how do you bridge the world of Klaviyo forms with your Shopify empire? It's time to roll up your sleeves as we dive into a no-nonsense, step-by-step guide to seamlessly embedding Klaviyo forms into your Shopify store. 

We’re talking about turning those ‘just browsing’ visitors into ‘can’t wait to buy’ subscribers. Get ready to unlock the secrets of boosting your subscriber list and supercharging your ecommerce success!

The Role of Klaviyo Forms in Ecommerce Marketing

In the dynamic world of ecommerce, Klaviyo forms are more than just data collection tools; they are strategic instruments pivotal in weaving the fabric of customer relationships and driving your business's growth narrative.

Klaviyo forms act as the initial handshake between your brand and potential customers. They capture not just names and emails, but insights into customer preferences and behaviors. This information is gold in tailoring personalized marketing efforts that resonate deeply with each individual, turning a lead into a loyal customer.

The data captured through these forms enables sophisticated segmentation, a strategy often underutilized in ecommerce marketing. Imagine segmenting your audience based on their interests or shopping behavior indicated in the sign-up process. You can then tailor your campaigns to speak directly to these segments, significantly boosting engagement and conversion rates.

Expanding your Klaviyo subscriber base is crucial for maintaining communication with potential buyers who are not yet ready to commit and for deepening relationships with your current customers. However, to capture those essential signups, your Shopify store needs an effective Klaviyo form.

Klaviyo's built-in capabilities offer basic form features, but for more advanced functionalities, you'll require an external tool. These functionalities include:

  • Sophisticated targeting capabilities
  • Interactive elements such as countdown timers and progress indicators
  • Integration for syncing your Shopify store's products
  • Smooth linkage with other marketing campaigns

Therefore, the optimal solution for deploying tailored Klaviyo forms on your Shopify site involves using a form-building application like ConvertFlow. This app not only integrates seamlessly with Klaviyo but also with other vital elements of your ecommerce technology stack.

With ConvertFlow's intuitive drag-and-drop funnel builder, designing and launching Klaviyo forms is straightforward and doesn't require any coding skills.

Now, let's dive into creating your inaugural Klaviyo form, step by step.

Step 1: Choosing the Right Klaviyo Form Template

Selecting the perfect Klaviyo form template for your Shopify store is the first step in crafting a compelling and effective sign-up experience. With ConvertFlow's extensive template library, this process becomes not only easier but also more aligned with your specific ecommerce goals. Let's walk through how to navigate this library and pick the right template.

Navigating to ConvertFlow’s Template Library

·         Begin by logging into your ConvertFlow account. If you don't have one, you'll need to create it.

·         Once logged in, head to the ‘Templates’ section. Here, you’ll find a variety of pre-designed form templates.

·         Browse through the form template library to explore the options available. ConvertFlow categorizes templates based on use cases and goals, such as lead capture, product promotion, or event registration.

·         Look for templates that best match the type of campaign you’re planning to run on your Shopify store.

Choosing and Customizing the Right Template

·         When you find a template that resonates with your goal, click on “Use this Template.” You’ll then be prompted to either log into your existing ConvertFlow account or create a new one.

·         After selecting a template, you'll enter ConvertFlow’s drag-and-drop editor. Here, you can start customizing the template to fit your brand’s identity.

·         Update elements like color schemes, fonts, and images to reflect your brand’s style. Remember, consistency with your website’s look and feel is key to a seamless user experience.

·         Modify the copy on the form to align with your marketing message and voice. Whether it's a compelling call-to-action or informative content, ensure it resonates with your target audience and reflects your brand’s personality.

·         If the template includes images or videos, replace them with your own media that better represents your brand and products.

Tips for Effective Template Customization:

Keep It Simple: Avoid over-cluttering your form. A clean, simple design often leads to better user engagement.

Mobile Responsiveness: Ensure the template looks good and functions well on mobile devices, as a significant portion of your audience will likely interact with your form on their phones.

Test and Iterate: Use A/B testing to try different versions of your form. This helps in understanding what works best with your audience.

Step 2: Customizing Your Form’s Template in ConvertFlow

Once you've chosen the ideal Klaviyo form template in ConvertFlow, the next crucial step is to tailor its design and content to echo your brand’s voice and visual identity. This customization is key to creating a form that not only captures attention but also aligns seamlessly with your brand's aesthetic and messaging ethos.

Setting Up the Theme:

·         In ConvertFlow’s editor, start by setting up the theme for your form. This involves selecting a base design that will dictate the overall look of your form.

·         Choose colors and fonts that match your brand identity. This consistency is essential for brand recognition and should reflect the design language of your Shopify store.

Customizing Design Elements:

·         Colors: Adjust the color palette of your form. Use your brand’s primary and secondary colors for elements like background, text, and buttons to maintain visual coherence.

·         Fonts: Select fonts that are not only on-brand but also legible and web-friendly. The right font choice can significantly affect the readability and user experience of your form.

·         Buttons: Customize button shapes, colors, and sizes. Ensure that they stand out and encourage action, yet blend with the overall design.

Updating Content:

·         Copy: Edit the text to reflect your brand’s tone and voice. Whether it’s professional, friendly, or playful, the copy should speak directly to your audience and convey your message clearly.

·         Form Fields: Tailor the form fields to capture the information you need. Keep it concise to increase the likelihood of completion.

·         CTA (Call To Action): Your CTA should be compelling and clear. It should prompt action while aligning with the goal of your form, be it newsletter sign-ups, registrations, or lead generation.

·         Images: If the form includes images, replace the default ones with your own that better represent your brand and what it stands for.

Importance of Brand Consistency and Effective Copy

The design elements of your form should be a mirror reflection of your brand's visual identity. Consistency in colors, fonts, and style strengthens brand recognition and builds trust with your audience.

The power of well-crafted copy in your form cannot be overstated. It's the voice of your form and plays a pivotal role in engaging and persuading your visitors to take action. Clear, concise, and persuasive copy can drastically improve the performance of your form.

Step 3: Integrating Shopify with ConvertFlow

Integrating Shopify with ConvertFlow is a critical step that unlocks a new level of functionality for your Klaviyo forms. This integration allows you to harness the rich data from your Shopify store to create more personalized and effective marketing campaigns. Let’s go through the step-by-step process to establish this integration and discuss its key benefits.

Accessing Integration Settings:

·         Log into your ConvertFlow account.

·         Navigate to your website’s dashboard within ConvertFlow.

·         Click on ‘Settings’ and then select ‘Integrations’ from the menu on the left side.

Integrating with Shopify:

·         Scroll through the list of available integrations until you find Shopify.

·         Click on the ‘Connect’ button next to Shopify.

·         You will be redirected to Shopify’s app store. Here, find ConvertFlow and click on ‘Add app.’

·         Follow the on-screen instructions to install ConvertFlow on your Shopify store and authorize the integration.

Finalizing the Integration:

·         Once the installation is complete, the ConvertFlow script will automatically be added to your Shopify store.

·         Return to ConvertFlow to confirm that the integration is active.

Benefits of Shopify-ConvertFlow Integration

Personalized Marketing Campaigns:

This integration allows you to leverage customer data from Shopify, such as past purchases, browsing history, and preferences, in your Klaviyo forms. You can create segmented and personalized email campaigns directly targeting the interests and behaviors of your customers, leading to higher engagement rates.

Enhanced User Experience:

By having access to Shopify data, your forms can offer a more relevant and seamless experience for the user. For example, you can display products in your forms that a customer has shown interest in, or offer personalized discounts based on their purchase history.

Streamlined Data Flow:

The integration ensures that data flows smoothly between Shopify and ConvertFlow, minimizing manual data entry and errors. This streamlined process allows for more efficient and effective campaign management.

Targeted Marketing Opportunities:

With the rich data from Shopify, you can craft targeted marketing strategies, such as re-engaging past customers with new offers, or reaching out to customers who have abandoned their carts with tailored messages to complete their purchases.

Step 4: Connecting Klaviyo and Finalizing Form Setup

After integrating Shopify with ConvertFlow, the next vital step is establishing a connection with Klaviyo. This integration is key to channeling the data collected through your forms directly into Klaviyo's database, setting the stage for sophisticated email marketing campaigns. Let's dive into how to seamlessly connect Klaviyo and finalize your form setup.

Accessing the Form Builder:

·         In ConvertFlow, navigate to the form you've created or customized for your Shopify store.

·         Enter the editing mode to modify the form.

Setting Up Klaviyo Integration:

·         Within the form builder, select the first form element or the area where you collect customer information.

·         Look for the option to manage integrations or actions, typically found on the side panel or as an overlay on the form element.

·         Click on “Manage integrations” or a similar option to open the integrations menu.

Connecting to Klaviyo:

·         In the integrations menu, locate and select Klaviyo.

·         Click on “Connect” and you will be prompted to log into your Klaviyo account or to authorize the connection if already logged in.

·         Follow the on-screen instructions to establish the integration between ConvertFlow and Klaviyo.

Setting Up Form Automations:

·         Once Klaviyo is connected, return to the form element’s actions or integration settings.

·         Set up an automation or action that triggers when a user submits the form. Choose an option like “Add to Klaviyo list” or a similar command.

·         Select the specific Klaviyo list or segment where you want the form data to be sent.

Customizing Data Transfer Settings:

·         Customize the settings to dictate what information is transferred to Klaviyo. This could include email addresses, names, preferences, or any other data your form collects.

·         Ensure that the data fields in ConvertFlow correctly map to the corresponding fields in Klaviyo for accurate data transfer.

Importance of Klaviyo-ConvertFlow Integration

Effective Data Management: This integration streamlines the flow of customer data from your Shopify store, through ConvertFlow, directly into Klaviyo. It eliminates the need for manual data transfer, reducing errors and saving time.

Targeted Email Campaigns: With data seamlessly flowing into Klaviyo, you can create more targeted and personalized email campaigns. Use the insights gathered from form submissions to segment your audience and tailor your messaging, leading to higher engagement and conversion rates.

Real-time Engagement: The integration allows for real-time engagement with your audience. As soon as a customer fills out a form, you can trigger automated, personalized email responses from Klaviyo, enhancing the customer experience and fostering immediate connection.

Step 5: Embedding and Launching Your Klaviyo Form on Shopify

After customizing your Klaviyo form in ConvertFlow and integrating it with Shopify and Klaviyo, the next crucial step is embedding it onto your Shopify store. This process places your form where it can actively engage visitors and convert them into subscribers or customers. Let’s break down how to embed and launch your form effectively on Shopify.

Generating the Embed Code:

·         Once you’re satisfied with your form in ConvertFlow, look for the option to ‘Publish’ or ‘Save’ your changes.

·         After saving, you will be given an option to ‘Launch’ or ‘Get Code’. Choose this to access the embed code for your form.

·         Click to copy the embed code provided by ConvertFlow.

Embedding the Form on Your Shopify Page:

·         Log in to your Shopify admin panel.

·         Navigate to the page where you want to embed the form. This could be your homepage, a product page, a dedicated landing page, or a blog post.

·         In the page editor, switch to the HTML or code view.

·         Paste the copied embed code from ConvertFlow into the desired location in the HTML of your Shopify page.

Setting Display Conditions:

·         ConvertFlow allows you to set specific display conditions for your form. This can be done within the ConvertFlow platform before you copy the embed code.

·         Set conditions based on visitor behavior, such as showing the form to new visitors, on specific pages, or after a certain duration of page engagement.

Choosing the Right Pages for Form Placement:

·         Select pages with high traffic and relevance. Your homepage is a typical choice, but also consider product pages, blog posts, or checkout pages.

·         The key is to place the form where it aligns with the visitor’s intent and enhances their experience without being intrusive.

Targeting the Right Visitor Segments:

·         Use ConvertFlow’s targeting features to display the form to specific segments of your audience. For instance, target new visitors with welcome offers or returning visitors with loyalty discounts.

·         Personalize the form experience based on user behavior or purchase history to increase relevance and likelihood of conversion.

Testing and Optimization:

·         Once the form is embedded, continuously test and optimize its performance. Monitor metrics like conversion rate, bounce rate, and time on page to gauge effectiveness.

·         Experiment with different form positions, designs, and messaging to find the best combination for your audience.

Top Best Practices for Klaviyo Form Success

  1. Embrace the Power of A/B Testing:

Don't just test small changes like button colors. Try radical variations in your form design, messaging, and layout. Sometimes, it's the unexpected alterations that lead to breakthrough improvements.

Conduct A/B tests on different audience segments. The same form might not resonate equally with all your visitors. Tailoring to specific groups can uncover hidden opportunities for engagement.

  1. Dive Deep into Analytics:

Look past standard metrics like conversion rates. Analyze user interaction with the form - how long they engage, at what point they drop off, and what elements they interact with most.

Utilize heatmaps to visually understand how users interact with your form. This can reveal counter-intuitive insights about user behavior that standard analytics might miss.

  1. Refine Strategies Based on User Feedback:

Occasionally, direct feedback can be more enlightening than analytics. Use surveys or feedback tools to understand why users choose (or choose not) to fill out your forms.

Implement changes based on user suggestions. This not only improves the form but also boosts customer satisfaction by showing that you value their input.

  1. Optimize for Mobile Experience:

Given the increasing prevalence of mobile browsing, design your forms with a mobile-first approach. What works on desktop may not translate well on a smaller screen.

Ensure your forms load quickly and are easy to navigate on mobile devices. A slow or clunky mobile form can significantly dampen conversion rates.

  1. Experiment with Timing and Triggers:

Instead of displaying the form immediately, set triggers based on user behavior, like time spent on a page or interaction with a specific product.

Utilizing exit-intent technology can capture leads that would otherwise be lost, but balance it to avoid being perceived as intrusive.

  1. Incorporate Storytelling in Your Forms:

Use storytelling elements in your forms. A narrative that resonates with the visitor’s current experience can be more engaging than a standard sales pitch.

Align the form’s messaging with your brand’s broader narrative. This creates a cohesive experience that extends beyond the form itself.

  1. Align Forms with Seasonal Campaigns and Trends:

Tailor your forms to align with seasonal events, holidays, or current trends. This keeps the content fresh and relevant, increasing its appeal to visitors.

For instance, during the holiday season, infuse your forms with festive themes and special offers, tapping into the heightened shopping enthusiasm. Similarly, leverage trending topics or popular cultural moments to create forms that resonate instantly and feel incredibly timely.

  1. Use Incentives Strategically:

Offer incentives like discounts or exclusive content, but do so judiciously. Overuse can diminish perceived value, while well-timed incentives can significantly boost conversions.

Experiment with various types of incentives to understand what drives the most engagement for different segments of your audience.


Embedding these Klaviyo forms effectively on Shopify isn’t just a checkbox in your marketing strategy; it's a game-changer. It's about creating personalized, visually appealing gateways that not only captivate your audience but also smoothly guide them into your ecommerce ecosystem. This is where browsing turns into buying, where interest transforms into action.

Remember, a well-crafted form is a magnet. It draws in leads, nurtures them with personalized content, and ultimately, contributes to that sweet sound of the sales bell ringing. It’s about making every visitor feel like the VIP of your store, offering them an experience that's tailored, engaging, and irresistible.

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