Top 10 AI Tools for CPG (Consumer Packaged Goods) Brands

As the CPG landscape continues to evolve, AI technology will play an increasingly important role in shaping the future of the industry. Brands that embrace AI and invest in the right tools will be better equipped to navigate the challenges and seize the opportunities that lie ahead.

In recent years, the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) industry has grown significantly. AI has provided businesses with a competitive edge by enabling them to analyze vast amounts of data, predict consumer behavior, and optimize supply chain management. This has resulted in improved product development, targeted marketing campaigns, and increased operational efficiency.

AI-powered tools have also revolutionized the way CPG brands engage with their customers. By automating tasks such as customer segmentation, personalization, and recommendation, they have enabled brands to create more relevant and engaging experiences for their target audience. Additionally, AI has made it possible for CPG companies to leverage advanced analytics to uncover hidden insights, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions.

As the CPG landscape continues to evolve, AI technology will play an increasingly important role in shaping the future of the industry. Brands that embrace AI and invest in the right tools will be better equipped to navigate the challenges and seize the opportunities that lie ahead.

The importance of leveraging AI tools for CPG brands

CPG brands operate in a highly competitive and rapidly changing environment. To stay ahead of the curve, they need to be agile, innovative, and responsive to shifting consumer preferences. AI tools offer a powerful means of achieving these objectives, empowering brands to harness data, drive innovation, and engage customers more effectively.

One key area where AI tools can make a difference for CPG brands is in product development. By analyzing consumer preferences, purchase patterns, and social media sentiment, AI can help brands identify emerging trends, develop new product ideas, and optimize existing offerings. This ensures that brands remain relevant and competitive in the market.

AI tools can also enhance marketing efforts by enabling CPG brands to create personalized and targeted campaigns. By analyzing customer data, AI can help brands segment their audience, identify high-value customers, and recommend relevant products and promotions. This leads to better engagement, increased loyalty, and higher return on marketing investment.

Finally, AI tools can help CPG brands optimize their supply chain and inventory management processes. By analyzing historical sales data, AI can provide demand forecasts, identify potential bottlenecks, and recommend optimal inventory levels. This leads to improved efficiency, reduced waste, and increased profitability.

Best AI tools for CPG brands

1. Maverick

Maverick is an AI-powered video personalization platform that helps e-commerce businesses send personalized videos to their customers at scale. The platform uses machine learning to generate personalized videos that are tailored to each individual customer's interests and needs. This can help businesses to increase customer engagement, improve customer loyalty, and boost sales.

Maverick is a particularly useful tool for CPG brands. CPG brands often have a large and diverse customer base, and it can be difficult to create personalized marketing messages that resonate with everyone. Maverick can help CPG brands to overcome this challenge by generating personalized videos that are tailored to each individual customer's interests.

Maverick offers a number of features that make it a valuable tool for e-commerce businesses, including:

  • Personalized videos: Maverick uses machine learning to generate personalized videos that are tailored to each individual customer's interests and needs.
  • Scalability: Maverick can be used to send personalized videos to a large number of customers.
  • Ease of use: Maverick is easy to use and does not require any special technical skills.

2. Yuma

Yuma is an AI-powered customer support tool that helps e-commerce businesses improve their customer experience. Yuma can automatically draft responses to customer tickets, summarize conversation threads, and translate tickets into multiple languages. This can free up customer support agents to focus on more complex issues, and it can help businesses provide a more consistent and personalized customer experience across all channels.

Yuma is particularly well-suited for CPG brands, as it can help them to:

  • Improve customer satisfaction: Yuma can help businesses to resolve customer issues more quickly and efficiently, which can lead to increased customer satisfaction.
  • Reduce costs: Yuma can help businesses to reduce the cost of customer support by automating tasks that would otherwise be done by human agents.
  • Increase sales: Yuma can help businesses to increase sales by providing customers with a more positive and helpful customer experience.

Here are some of the features of Yuma:

  • Automatic response drafting: Yuma can automatically draft responses to customer tickets, based on the ticket's content and the business's knowledge base.
  • Conversation thread summarization: Yuma can summarize conversation threads, which can help businesses to quickly identify the key issues and track the progress of a conversation.
  • Translation: Yuma can translate tickets into multiple languages, which can help businesses to provide customer support to customers all over the world.

3. is an AI-powered platform that helps e-commerce brands create high-performing ad creatives. The platform uses a variety of data sources, including historical performance data, market trends, and user demographics, to generate ad creatives that are tailored to specific audiences. is a valuable tool for e-commerce brands that are looking to improve the performance of their ad campaigns. The platform's AI engine can help brands create high-performing ad creatives that are tailored to specific audiences. This can help brands reach their target customers with the most relevant messages and improve their return on investment. offers a variety of features that make it a valuable tool for e-commerce brands, including:

  • A large library of high-quality creative assets: has a large library of high-quality creative assets, including images, videos, and text. This allows brands to quickly and easily create ad creatives without having to invest in their own creative resources.
  • A powerful AI engine:'s AI engine uses a variety of data sources to generate ad creatives that are tailored to specific audiences. This ensures that brands are reaching their target customers with the most relevant messages.
  • A simple and easy-to-use interface: has a simple and easy-to-use interface that makes it easy for brands to create and manage their ad campaigns.

4. Aidaptive

Aidaptive is an AI-powered personalization platform that helps e-commerce businesses increase conversions and revenue. The platform uses machine learning to predict the affinity and intent of prospective customers, then deliver personalized content to them in real time.

Aidaptive offers a variety of features that are useful for CPG brands, including:

  • Personalized product recommendations: Aidaptive can recommend products to customers based on their past purchase history, browsing behavior, and other factors. This helps CPG brands increase sales by ensuring that customers are seeing the products that are most likely to interest them.
  • Personalized product pages: Aidaptive can personalize product pages with content that is relevant to each customer. This can include product reviews, customer testimonials, and other information that can help customers make informed purchase decisions.
  • Personalized search results: Aidaptive can personalize search results to show customers the products that are most likely to interest them. This can help CPG brands improve the customer experience and increase sales.

5. Neurons

Neurons is an AI-powered platform that helps businesses improve their e-commerce performance. It does this by providing insights into customer behavior and emotions, which can then be used to optimize marketing campaigns, product designs, and user experiences.

Neurons is backed by science. The company's methods and metrics are built on the latest approaches and cutting-edge advances in cognitive neuroscience, machine learning, AI, and psychology.

Neurons offers a variety of features that are useful for CPG brands, including:

  • Predictive AI: Neurons' predictive AI can be used to pre-test visual assets and predict their impact on conversion rates. This can help brands save time and money by avoiding the need to launch campaigns that are unlikely to be successful.
  • Explore: Neurons' Explore tool can be used to reveal the real emotions and motivations behind customer behavior. This information can be used to create more effective marketing campaigns and product designs.
  • Research: Neurons' Research tool can be used to run full-scale studies to collect granular behavioral data. This data can be used to gain a deeper understanding of customer behavior and make more informed decisions about marketing and product development.

6. Spectrm

Spectrm is a conversational marketing automation platform that helps brands engage with customers in real-time on messaging channels like Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and Instagram. The platform uses AI to understand customer intent and deliver personalized messages that drive sales and increase loyalty.

Spectrm offers a number of features that make it a valuable tool for CPG brands, including:

  • Conversational AI: Spectrm's AI engine can understand customer intent and deliver personalized messages that are relevant to the customer's needs. This helps brands to build trust and rapport with customers, and to drive sales.
  • Messaging channels: Spectrm supports a wide range of messaging channels, including Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and Instagram. This allows brands to reach customers where they are, and to engage with them in a way that is convenient for them.
  • Personalization: Spectrm's AI engine can personalize messages based on a variety of factors, including customer demographics, purchase history, and interests. This helps brands to deliver messages that are relevant to each individual customer, and to increase engagement.
  • Automation: Spectrm can automate a variety of tasks, such as sending welcome messages, responding to customer inquiries, and upselling and cross-selling products. This frees up marketing teams to focus on other tasks, and helps to improve customer satisfaction.

7. CommentGuard

CommentGuard is an AI-powered social media moderation tool that helps businesses protect their brand reputation and conversion rates by automatically hiding harmful comments and spam from their Facebook and Instagram posts and ads.

CommentGuard uses a combination of machine learning and human review to identify and remove harmful comments, including those that are spam, hateful, offensive, misleading, and inappropriate.

CommentGuard also offers a number of features that make it a valuable tool for CPG brands, including:

  • Customizable moderation settings: Businesses can customize CommentGuard's moderation settings to meet their specific needs. For example, businesses can choose to hide all comments that contain certain keywords or phrases, or they can choose to only hide comments that have been flagged by multiple users.
  • Real-time moderation: CommentGuard's moderation is done in real time, so businesses can be confident that harmful comments are not being seen by their customers.
  • Reporting: CommentGuard provides businesses with detailed reports on the comments that have been moderated, including the number of comments that were hidden, the reasons why they were hidden, and the users who posted them.

8. is a location intelligence platform that helps businesses make better decisions about where to open stores, target customers, and allocate marketing resources. The platform uses artificial intelligence to analyze billions of geosocial data points, including social media posts, check-ins, and foot traffic data. This data is then used to create detailed insights about the demographics, interests, and behavior of people in different locations. is a valuable tool for CPG brands that want to improve their e-commerce strategy. The platform can be used to:

  • Identify new markets and opportunities: can help brands identify new markets where they can sell their products. The platform can also help brands identify opportunities to expand into new channels, such as online marketplaces.
  • Target customers more effectively: can help brands target their marketing campaigns more effectively. The platform can identify the demographics, interests, and behavior of people who are most likely to buy their products. This information can be used to create targeted ads and marketing campaigns.
  • Optimize product placement: can help brands optimize the placement of their products in stores. The platform can identify the best locations in stores for products based on the demographics and behavior of shoppers.

9. Patterned

Patterned is an AI-powered tool that helps businesses generate unique and royalty-free patterns for their products. It is a great option for CPG brands, as it can help them create visually appealing and eye-catching packaging that will stand out on the shelf.

Patterned is easy to use. Simply enter a few keywords or phrases to describe the type of pattern you want, and Patterned will generate a variety of options to choose from. You can then adjust the settings to fine-tune the results, such as the number of colors, the style of the pattern, and the size of the pattern.

Patterned offers a variety of features that make it a valuable tool for CPG brands. These features include:

  • Seamless patterns: Patterned generates patterns that are seamless, meaning that there are no visible seams between the different elements of the pattern. This is important for CPG brands, as it ensures that their packaging will look professional and polished.
  • Royalty-free patterns: All of the patterns generated by Patterned are royalty-free, meaning that you can use them for commercial purposes without having to pay any fees. This can save CPG brands a significant amount of money.
  • High-quality patterns: Patterned generates high-quality patterns that are suitable for use in a variety of applications, such as print, web, and mobile. This means that CPG brands can use Patterned to create packaging that looks great on any device.

10. Voc

Voc is an AI-powered voice of customer (VOC) platform that helps e-commerce businesses collect, analyze, and act on customer feedback. The platform uses natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML) to extract insights from customer feedback, including sentiment, intent, and demographics. This information can be used to improve customer satisfaction, drive loyalty, and boost revenue.

Voc is a particularly valuable tool for CPG brands, as it can help them to understand the needs and wants of their customers in a more nuanced way. For example, Voc can be used to identify customer pain points, track customer satisfaction over time, and identify trends in customer behavior. This information can be used to develop new products and services that meet the needs of customers, as well as to improve the customer experience.

Here are some of the features of Voc:

  • Collect feedback from multiple channels: Voc can collect feedback from a variety of channels, including surveys, social media, and customer support tickets. This allows businesses to get a holistic view of customer feedback.
  • Analyze feedback with NLP and ML: Voc uses NLP and ML to extract insights from customer feedback, including sentiment, intent, and demographics. This information can be used to identify trends and patterns in customer feedback.
  • Act on feedback: Voc provides businesses with tools to act on customer feedback. This includes the ability to create online surveys, track customer satisfaction over time, and identify trends in customer behavior.

Integrating AI in your ecommerce marketing strategy

Integrating AI in your ecommerce marketing strategy can help CPG brands unlock new opportunities for growth and drive better results. Here are some key ways in which AI can be used to enhance your marketing efforts:

  1. Personalization - AI-powered tools can analyze customer data to create personalized product recommendations, content, and promotions based on their preferences, browsing history, and purchase patterns. This can help improve customer engagement, increase conversion rates, and drive repeat purchases.
  2. Customer segmentation - AI can help CPG brands segment their customer base more effectively, enabling them to create targeted marketing campaigns that resonate with specific customer groups. This can lead to better engagement, increased customer lifetime value, and higher return on marketing investment.
  3. Predictive analytics - By analyzing historical data, AI tools can help CPG brands predict future customer behavior, identify trends, and optimize their marketing efforts accordingly. This can enable brands to focus their resources on the most impactful initiatives and drive better results.
  4. Marketing automation - AI-powered marketing automation tools can help CPG brands streamline their marketing processes, automate repetitive tasks, and optimize the customer journey. This can result in improved efficiency, reduced costs, and better overall marketing performance.

How CPG brands can effectively use AI video generator tools for marketing

AI video generators have emerged as a powerful tool for CPG brands looking to create engaging and dynamic marketing content. By leveraging AI-powered video creation platforms, brands can generate high-quality videos quickly, easily, and cost-effectively, making it an ideal solution for businesses operating in a fast-paced and competitive environment. Here are some key ways in which CPG brands can use AI video generators for marketing:

  1. Product demonstrations - AI video generators can be used to create compelling product demos that showcase the features and benefits of your products. This can help customers understand how your products work and how they can add value to their lives.
  2. Customer testimonials - AI video generators can help CPG brands create authentic customer testimonial videos that highlight the positive experiences of real customers. This can help build trust and credibility with your target audience and encourage them to give your products a try.
  3. Social media content - AI video generators can be used to create engaging and shareable content for your social media channels, helping you to reach a wider audience and drive traffic to your online store.
  4. Email marketing - Including AI-generated videos in your email marketing campaigns can help improve engagement rates, increase click-through rates, and drive conversions.


AI tools offer a wealth of opportunities for CPG brands looking to drive growth, innovate, and stay ahead of the competition. By leveraging AI-powered solutions like AI video generators, email marketing platforms, and ecommerce analytics tools, brands can create more engaging and personalized customer experiences, optimize their marketing efforts, and make data-driven decisions to drive success.

Maverick uses AI-generated video to help ecommerce stores have personalized interactions with each of their customers across their journey. Start boosting your customers’ lifetime value (LTV) today with personal videos at scale!

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